Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (三生三世十里桃花)


It’s been five months since this drama debut and grabbed the attention of fangirls and bloggers alike. Which means this blog post is long overdue and has now emerged through the aftermath of the hype. Nevertheless, this drama is just too good for me to not at least blog about it, even if it is five months overdue.

To illustrate just how much I love this show is to also talk about my strong dislike and general avoidance of Chinese fantasy dramas. Since I grew up watching Asian TV shows (mostly Chinese), I’d like to think that I’ve seen almost every tired trope in the book, whether it is the Mary-Sue main character who is always being bullied and misunderstood while she tries to maintain a tired smile or her useless love interest who claims to love her but always falls into the schemes of the evil third party. Not to mention the amount of unnecessary angst that does nothing but create tension in the show or the cheap CGI that I cannot help but cringe at. Reasons enough to avoid fantasy C-dramas altogether.Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Finale

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